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Strawberry-Rhubarb Crumble

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Adjust Servings:
1 1/3 cups All Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
3 tablespoons Sugar
3 tablespoons Demerara
1 Lemon Zest
1 stick Butter unsalted butter, melted
1 1/2 cups Fresh Rhubarb chopped into 1-inch pieces
1 quart Strawberries plus a few extras, hulled, quartered
1 Lemon juiced
1/2 cup Sugar
3 tablespoons Cornstarch
to taste Kosher Salt

Strawberry-Rhubarb Crumble

The perfect dessert to welcome Spring.

  • 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Serves 6
  • Medium


  • Topping

  • Filling



Rhubarb, however, is a mystery to me.  This was my first cooking and eating experience with the long, red, green and speckled pink stalks.  For whatever reason, I have never had an opportunity, or perhaps chosen not to, select a rhubarb pie, crisp, or crumble when dessert comes my way.

When I encountered these lovelies at the market, I had a change of heart.  They looked like they needed to be experimented with in my kitchen.  Right now.  No turning back.

First thing first, I checked my cookbooks for a rhubarb recipe.  No such luck.  I turned to Google, the ultimate recipe collection.

One of my favorite food blogs, Smitten Kitchen, had just what I was looking for:  Strawberry-Rhubarb Crumble.  I’ve heard lore of the delights of combining strawberry and rhubarb, so this was my chance.  Not to mention, the strawberries were gorgeous.  This was a no-brainer.

The perfect recipe to welcome Spring.

I had the pleasure of enjoying this right out of the oven, when it is best.  It definitely should be eaten after cooking.  The crumbles on top get pretty soggy overnight.


Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

Be sure to cut the rhubarb in even one-inch pieces so that it all cooks evenly.  You don’t want a crunchy bite of rhubarb.

I did not have a deep baking dish for the crumble, so I just used an 8 by 8 Pyrex casserole dish.  It worked just fine.

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Recipe Steps


Heat oven to 375°F. Prepare topping: In a mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, sugars and lemon zest and add the melted butter. Mix until small and large clumps form. Refrigerate until needed.


Prepare filling: Toss rhubarb, strawberries, lemon juice, sugar, cornstarch and a pinch of salt in a 9-inch deep-dish pie plate.


Remove topping from refrigerator and cover fruit thickly and evenly with topping. Place pie plate on a (foil-lined, if you really want to think ahead) baking sheet.


Bake until crumble topping is golden brown in places and fruit is bubbling beneath, about 40 to 50 minutes.


Tried and tested recipes I really make for my family and friends. Really. Simple, hearty comfort food made with fresh, local ingredients.

4 Reader Questions and Reviews Hide Comments

My fiance said the same thing when I made it that he would have rather had it with an oat topping, more like a crisp than a crumble! I think I’ll try it that way too next time. 🙂

I love Strawberry-Rhubarb anything! So, you inspired me to do some baking this past weekend. I hope you don’t mind, I took the liberty of using a different topping. I used a crumble recipe topping that uses rolled oats to make it a bit more rustic. The pairing worked well. I think next time I need to cut back the amount of lemon juice. It may be that I used to large a lemon. Unfortunately it overwhelmed the natural tartness of the rhubarb and the sweetness of the berries. Nothing that a scoop of good vanilla ice cream didn’t remedy!

I was JUST talking to someone about Strawberry Rhubarb Pie and how I’ve never attempted making it. Maybe this will give me the inspiration to give it a whirl. Thanks!

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