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Potato Fennel Hash

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Adjust Servings:
2 small Fennel Bulbs w/ Fronds
2 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 1/2 pounds Yukon Gold peeled and cut into 1/2 or less cubes and patted dry
1/2 tsp Fine Sea Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper
1 clove Garlic Cloves chopped
1/4 cup Italian Parsley coarsely chopped

Potato Fennel Hash

  • 1 hour
  • Serves 4
  • Easy




All right, before I delve into this post on the amazing Potato and Fennel Hash, I feel I have some explaining to do.

No new post since early December?!@!  Yes, my friends it is true.  And I apologize for my absence.  My only excuse is a lame one…the holidays.  Yes, folks, the holidays.  That time of year when things get turned upside-down, activities increase and productivity turns to a pathetic lull.

The truth is I had a great holiday season with my family and friends, and I hope you did as well.  It’s time to get back in action here, and share some of the fabulous things I’ve been cooking.

That said, it’s Potato Fennel Hash time.  Potato Fennel Hash time, Potato Fennel Hash time.  (That is only funny if you’ve heard the peanut butter jelly time song and sing “Potato Fennel Hash” in that melody.  Yes, I am a nerd.)

This recipe came to me in January 2010’s issue of Bon Appetit, my favorite food magazine.  I subscribe to a good amount of them, but Bon Appetit has become my favorite for its typically wonderful assortment of recipes, food photography and well-written stories.

As previously mentioned in such posts as this one, I simply cannot resist a good hash.  If you’re like me, you’re always looking for new ways to use fennel.  I would have honestly never thought to include fennel in the hash equation, but it works beautifully, brightening up the flavor of the potatoes.  Not to mention, it caramelizes like an onion, which is never a bad thing.

I like to top my hash with a good ‘ol fried egg.  It not only makes it a heartier meal, but I can’t resist that drippy, sunny yolk.

Don’t forget the lowly hash is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner and survives nicely as leftovers in the fridge (sans fried egg).

Enjoy with a smile, and let it serve as a promise from me that I will be a better blogger and won’t disappear for months at a time, unless I have a better excuse.

Top with fried egg, if desired, and serve with buttered wheat toast.

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Recipe Steps


Cut fennel into 1/2-inch cubes (there should be about 4 scant cups). Finely chop enough fennel fronds to measure 1/4 cup. Cook fennel in boiling salted water until just tender, 3 minutes. Drain; set aside.


Heat 2 tablespoons oil in heavy large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add potatoes. Cook until golden and crisp, turning often, 20 to 25 minutes. Using potato masher, crush potatoes in skillet.


Add fennel, salt, and pepper. Cook until fennel is golden, stirring often, 2 to 3 minutes. Add garlic and cook 2 minutes. Stir in parsley.


Top with fried eggs(optional)


Tried and tested recipes I really make for my family and friends. Really. Simple, hearty comfort food made with fresh, local ingredients.

4 Reader Questions and Reviews Hide Comments

Mmm.. a hash is a perfect meal for cold January days. This looks great! For me, the egg certainly wouldn’t be optional, look at that yolk running down! Great picture!

Turns out we are alike in more ways than one! I too love Bon Appetit and I’m always looking for new ways to use fennel. And if this is any indication about how crazy life has been, I haven’t even had time to flip through my January issue. I must be missing out, this looks great!

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